Keystone Sentinel
KCEA publishes a monthly electronic, general circulation newsletter addressing issues and concerns in Christian education. The publication is designed to be forwarded to other leaders in Christian ministry and to be emailed and/or printed for distribution in churches and Christian schools. Below are several recent issues.
To subscribe to the mailing list, send an email to [email protected] with SENTINEL in the subject line. In the body of the email, include your name and mailing address, and what church or school ministry you are associated with.
KCEA publishes a monthly electronic, general circulation newsletter addressing issues and concerns in Christian education. The publication is designed to be forwarded to other leaders in Christian ministry and to be emailed and/or printed for distribution in churches and Christian schools. Below are several recent issues.
To subscribe to the mailing list, send an email to [email protected] with SENTINEL in the subject line. In the body of the email, include your name and mailing address, and what church or school ministry you are associated with.
News Notes
Affiliated ministries receive a monthly packet of information containing practical administrative, religious, education, and legal/legislative issues, thus saving the local staff from hundreds of hours of research annually. Below are samples of several recent issues.
Affiliated ministries receive a monthly packet of information containing practical administrative, religious, education, and legal/legislative issues, thus saving the local staff from hundreds of hours of research annually. Below are samples of several recent issues.
Special Reports
Affiliating ministries receive these Reports as another tangible benefit of affiliating/participating. Affiliates can also retrieve Reports through their access to KCEA files on the website. Each addresses a single issue with thoroughly researched answers. They provide insights into legal, statutory, education, and administrative topics. These are a few samples.
Unique Documents
Through the years, KCEA has regularly produced unique documents to meet specific needs. They tell much about KCEA and its ministry. Click below to view samples that vary in subject matter, publication date, and length:
Effective Christian school leadership is enabled by intellect and background, but it is also enabled by continually learning. Leadership should be well read in the Bible and supportive works of formal and practical theology and in evangelism and Christlike living. They are benefited through reading in fields like business, child development, human relations, and education. Through the years, KCEA has distributed a number of books to the leadership teams at affiliating ministries to encourage professional preparedness. Here are samples:
© KCEA, 2024
Affiliating ministries receive these Reports as another tangible benefit of affiliating/participating. Affiliates can also retrieve Reports through their access to KCEA files on the website. Each addresses a single issue with thoroughly researched answers. They provide insights into legal, statutory, education, and administrative topics. These are a few samples.
- Act 80 Days
- Calls for More Educational Time-On-Task
- Concussion, Cardiac Arrest Protocols for Coaches
- Illegal Purchase of Religious Materials under PA’s Textbook Loan Program
- Music and Art Education
Unique Documents
Through the years, KCEA has regularly produced unique documents to meet specific needs. They tell much about KCEA and its ministry. Click below to view samples that vary in subject matter, publication date, and length:
- A Christian Philosophy of Teaching Pre-Elementary School Children. Theodore E. Clater. 2007 49 pages.
- A True Cousin of Our Christian Schools. Theodore E. Clater. 2016. 1 page.
- Are We Losing Our Children? Robert A. Morey. 1994. 4 pages.
- Change Through Time? Theodore E. Clater. 2023. 1 page.
- Consistency. Allen Harris. 2020. 1 page.
- Reselling Christian Education. Guenter E. Salter. 1994. 3 pages.
- Rote Memory. Robert Delnay. 2007. 3 pages.
- Special Report to the AACS Boards. KCEA's Evaluation of KCEA and AACS. Should KCEA Reaffiliate with the AACS? The KCEA Board. 1997. 48 pages when including extensive footnotes.
- The State of State Education. Norman C. Marks. 1994, 2022 ed. 3 pages.
Effective Christian school leadership is enabled by intellect and background, but it is also enabled by continually learning. Leadership should be well read in the Bible and supportive works of formal and practical theology and in evangelism and Christlike living. They are benefited through reading in fields like business, child development, human relations, and education. Through the years, KCEA has distributed a number of books to the leadership teams at affiliating ministries to encourage professional preparedness. Here are samples:
- A Scent of Water. Bringing Life Back to the Christian School Movement. Edward Earwood and Phil Suiter. Ambassador International, Greenville, SC. 2012. 240 pages.
- Against the Tide. Reclaiming Authentic Christian Education. Carl Herbster and Randy Hurst. Ambassador International, Greenville, SC. 2011. 267 pages.
- Marks of a Healthy Christian School. Phil Suiter. American Association of Christian Schools, East Ridge, TN. 2015. 160 pages.
- The Upstream Christian in a Downstream World. Charles W. Dunn. Changed Lives, Chattanooga, TN. 1990. 155 pages.
- With All Due Respect. Recovering the Manners & Civility of Political Combat. Jeff Coleman. Churchill, Harrisburg, PA. 2017. 123 pages.
© KCEA, 2024