We have already started planning our 2025 Conference! Veteran delegates and exhibitors will attest that every year is unique, from the keynote speakers to the workshops to the schedule. In keeping with that fact, the Conference will feature multiple keynote speakers and dozens of workshop leaders who are experienced in their fields and areas of specialization -- and ready to share some of their knowledge with you!
KCEA’s Christian Education Conference is a two-day professional in-service for pastors, administrators, teachers, staff, church youth workers, and involved parents. The days are filled with a unique blend of plenary sessions and workshops, preaching and interactive presentations, fellowship and peer engagement, and connecting with our exhibitors and advertisers. A wide variety of exhibitors attend to sell or promote their products, ministries, and services. An introductory flyer from last year's 50th anniversary Conference is available for reference. Promotional information and materials for prospective exhibitors will be distributed early in 2025.
To help promote the Conference to your church staff and congregation, school staff, deacon and school boards, and families, look for Conference promotional materials to arrive in your email. Copies of the promotional Conference flyer will soon be available for download. The Delegate Registration form for the Conference is usually sent to affiliates in mid-summer, along with a tentative schedule and roster of workshop leaders.
Special Workshop Choices
The list of workshops is being finalized. About 80 workshops are being planned in a flexible schedule, with time for exhibits and fellowship alike. While every year is unique, this year is a milestone anniversary of KCEA's existence. In keeping with that fact, the Conference will feature presenters who will almost entirely be experienced alumni or long-term staff of KCEA schools.
Collaborate with your peers and your ministry leadership to attend the best sessions for yourself, your ministry, and your students. Each presentation will be led by a professor or veteran in the field, eager to share the most recent and applicable information. Workshop offerings will consist of a variety of in-person workshops across a range of educational subjects and ministry responsibility. This year’s Conference guide will be available on the Whova platform to registered delegates and ministries.
When will the next Conference be held? - September 25 & 26, 2025
Where will it be held? - We are again planning this year’s Conference to be held at the DoubleTree Resort by Hilton at Willow Valley in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We will again use the Whova platform for our Conference guide, some Conference communications, exhibitor information and advertising, and other Conference details. Stay tuned!
Why should I come? - Each year’s Conference provides the academic excellence, varied topics, and creative ideas for which KCEA’s Conferences are well-known. It will also include some features that delegates have suggested on their Conference feedback sheets! Feel free to browse the Conference Archive for past Conference guide publications and other information.
As a sample. last year’s scheduled keynote speakers were:
KCEA’s Christian Education Conference is a two-day professional in-service for pastors, administrators, teachers, staff, church youth workers, and involved parents. The days are filled with a unique blend of plenary sessions and workshops, preaching and interactive presentations, fellowship and peer engagement, and connecting with our exhibitors and advertisers. A wide variety of exhibitors attend to sell or promote their products, ministries, and services. An introductory flyer from last year's 50th anniversary Conference is available for reference. Promotional information and materials for prospective exhibitors will be distributed early in 2025.
To help promote the Conference to your church staff and congregation, school staff, deacon and school boards, and families, look for Conference promotional materials to arrive in your email. Copies of the promotional Conference flyer will soon be available for download. The Delegate Registration form for the Conference is usually sent to affiliates in mid-summer, along with a tentative schedule and roster of workshop leaders.
Special Workshop Choices
The list of workshops is being finalized. About 80 workshops are being planned in a flexible schedule, with time for exhibits and fellowship alike. While every year is unique, this year is a milestone anniversary of KCEA's existence. In keeping with that fact, the Conference will feature presenters who will almost entirely be experienced alumni or long-term staff of KCEA schools.
Collaborate with your peers and your ministry leadership to attend the best sessions for yourself, your ministry, and your students. Each presentation will be led by a professor or veteran in the field, eager to share the most recent and applicable information. Workshop offerings will consist of a variety of in-person workshops across a range of educational subjects and ministry responsibility. This year’s Conference guide will be available on the Whova platform to registered delegates and ministries.
When will the next Conference be held? - September 25 & 26, 2025
Where will it be held? - We are again planning this year’s Conference to be held at the DoubleTree Resort by Hilton at Willow Valley in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We will again use the Whova platform for our Conference guide, some Conference communications, exhibitor information and advertising, and other Conference details. Stay tuned!
Why should I come? - Each year’s Conference provides the academic excellence, varied topics, and creative ideas for which KCEA’s Conferences are well-known. It will also include some features that delegates have suggested on their Conference feedback sheets! Feel free to browse the Conference Archive for past Conference guide publications and other information.
As a sample. last year’s scheduled keynote speakers were:

Evangelist Matt Galvan (Dothan, AL) Matt is graduate of a Christian school in western Pennsylvania. He is now a full-time evangelist and travels across the United States preaching in churches, Christian schools, and camps. As an evangelist, he believes that his job is to come alongside of like-minded pastors, Christian school principals and administrators, and camp directors and help them see souls saved and saints walk with God. His ministry includes service in local churches, camps, and schools to glorify God and support the leadership. Though no one knows all that God wants to do in a ministry, no one can deny that He wants to do more. His family includes his wife, Hannah, and their three children: Samuel, Campbell, and Karis. He enjoys hunting, playing his guitar, and anything related to football.

Dr. E. Allen Griffith (Biblical Family Ministries, Thorndale, PA) Dr. Griffith has been in ministry since 1967. He was the founding pastor of Bible Baptist Church, West Chester Christian School, Bible Baptist School of Theology and Christian Character Clubs in West Chester, PA. In 1994, he resigned to found Biblical Family Ministries, Inc. As Executive Director, Dr. Griffith preaches on the family and other Biblical topics at churches, camps, conferences and schools. He and his wife also sustain a counseling ministry at their home, and he hosts podcastbythebook.com. Messages by Dr. Griffith are available on Sermon Audio and are used by the Bible Broadcasting Network on their "Building Blocks" program.

Dr. Matthew Barfield (Vice-President of Field Ministries, International Partnership Ministries, Indianapolis, IN) Brother Barfield grew up in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and graduated from West Chester Christian School. The Lord impressed on Matthew his call to the mission field while he was attending law school in 2002. He initially ministered in Jordan with his wife, Chrysta, while assisting to establish a Bible-believing church and Bible school. A severe medical condition forced them to return to the States for treatment and recovery. Once recovered, Matthew's ministry transitioned to serving as an international missionary evangelist with IPM, ministering with missionaries around the world. Based out of Indianapolis since 2016, they started Next Door Nations, which connects local churches to the international community in their neighborhoods. The goal of NDN is to see souls saved and discipled while people are temporarily in the States, building them up in the faith so they can also be witnesses in their home countries. He and Chrysta have eight children.
Whether you are involved in pre-school, elementary, secondary, secretarial, administration, pastoral or anything else … there are abundant sessions just for you! Come for learning! Come to benefit your students and ministries! Come to be encouraged to continue on in these challenging times — to minister, testify, and be a witness "to all generations.”
Don’t just take our word for why you should attend! Here are some of the many positive comments we received after last year's Conference, along with a few Conference snapshots.
– The speaker was so engaging! I was impressed with his humility and transparency.
– I found a nugget of wisdom to apply to my school play this year!
– I used this session to be in the vendor area. Very helpful to me! I made 2 good contacts that I needed before I came!
– Tons of ideas and ways to digitize my class's learning. The two workshop leaders had some new ways to get more of the students involved! I'm taking so many new things away!
– The hymn singing is my favorite part of the Conference!
– Even though this workshop was not geared for my pre-K classroom, I learned some good tools to help foster relationships with my classroom students and ALL school kids.
Whether you are involved in pre-school, elementary, secondary, secretarial, administration, pastoral or anything else … there are abundant sessions just for you! Come for learning! Come to benefit your students and ministries! Come to be encouraged to continue on in these challenging times — to minister, testify, and be a witness "to all generations.”
Don’t just take our word for why you should attend! Here are some of the many positive comments we received after last year's Conference, along with a few Conference snapshots.
– The speaker was so engaging! I was impressed with his humility and transparency.
– I found a nugget of wisdom to apply to my school play this year!
– I used this session to be in the vendor area. Very helpful to me! I made 2 good contacts that I needed before I came!
– Tons of ideas and ways to digitize my class's learning. The two workshop leaders had some new ways to get more of the students involved! I'm taking so many new things away!
– The hymn singing is my favorite part of the Conference!
– Even though this workshop was not geared for my pre-K classroom, I learned some good tools to help foster relationships with my classroom students and ALL school kids.